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PIT tag size study

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1 Formål
In this study, we will evaluate the performance of 12, new 16 mm long PIT tags, and dummy acoustic tags by tagging Atlantic salmon smolts in the field. Results will provide insight into detection performance, survival, and behaviour of tagged fish.
2 Skadevirkninger
The methods for tagging will be done according to what is currently allowed for small sized transmitters. Tagging and handling of fish will involve some level of stress but we will aim to minimize the effect by implementing standard operating procedures that has successfully been implemented in earlier studies.
3 Forventet nytteverdi
The aim of the study is to evaluate how the different tagging methods currently applied to studying outmigration of salmons smolts affect the behavior of the salmon smolt and whether they give similar outmigration estimates. Comparison across tag types (PIT and Acoustic), sizes (12 mm, 16 mm and acoustic tags) and methods (sutur, sham and scalpel) will allow the researcher to evaluate whether any of the burden of the tagging affects the outmigration estimates from these methods. The outmigration estimates will also be compared with the untagged fish caught in the wolf trap operated in the river which will work as a control.
4 Antall dyr og art
In total 950 individuals will be tagged over a two year period.
5 Hvordan etterleve 3R
The aim of the study is to refine a method that is currently being used, and potentially reduce the number of tagged individuals in future studies. Consequently, replacement is not an option. We aim to establish new knowledge and therefore alternatives to direct field studies are infeasible.