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The purpose of the experiment is to study intestinal inflammation and function in the context of metabolic disorders.
During this experiment, some level of distress/pain is expected in the chemically-induced intestinal inflammation model (dextrane sodium sulphate (DSS) treatment).
This study will contribute to the understanding of how xenobiotics are able to contribute to the development of metabolic diseases, specifically highlighting how xenobiotics can interfere with regular function of the intestine.
306 mice will be used in this experiment.
The use of animals is unavoidable since we want to study intestinal inflammation in the context of metabolic diseases. We will use the minimum number of animals required for our analysis and we will monitor closely the well being of the animals.


Forsøket er klassifisert som betydelig belastende og skal derfor etterevalueres.

Begrunnelse for etterevalueringen

The aim of this project has been to investigate the impact of xenobiotics on the intestine in normal conditions, in a chemically induced model of intestinal inflammation, and in genetically induced models of intestinal inflammation. The overall purpose has been to learn more about intestinal inflammation and function in the context of metabolic disorders.

The use of 306 mice for experimental procedures was approved.

The project has generated interesting results, despite that it could not be completed. This is due to both complications in connection with Covid-19 and because the applicant has moved to a new academic position in Oslo.
The project is being continued with a different FOTS id.
The DDS treatment worked as planned. The animals developed colitis, evaluated by histology/immunohistology, but did not show severe clinical signs of disease.

42 animals were used in the experiments.